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DPDK 2020 Events Update

By February 18, 2020Blog

Our 2020 event planning is taking longer than usual, given the current situation with the Novel CoronaVirus. We are working diligently to solidify plans for events throughout 2020 and will have information soon.

In the interim, please read the below excerpt from the Linux Foundation’s official response regarding the situation and potential impact across all Linux Foundation events:

The Linux Foundation is continuously monitoring the Novel Coronavirus situation and is committed to ensuring the safety of our event participants and staff at our upcoming events. We will be following all recommended guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO) as the situation progresses.

The Linux Foundation wants to assure our community and all event participants that their health and well being are of the utmost importance to us. We will continue to regularly check the latest official information and updates from all major health agencies leading up to our events and will make any necessary changes based on that information. We recognize that much is unknown at this time, and will strive to make decisions based on facts rather than fear. We encourage our event participants to do the same. To all those who are being affected, please accept our sincerest sympathies.

Please read the full update, which includes specific recommended action for onsite events, here: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/2020/02/12/novel-coronavirus-update/